Welcome to ARTHOLE! Sick and tired of our peers telling us that art is boring and mundane, we are here prove them wrong. At arthole, our aim is to showcase arts by youths, regardless of it being visual arts or performing arts.

We'll be featuring an artist of a different arts genre in every post, comment and tell us how you feel about the youth that we're featuring! Dying to find out more? "In the spotlight" is a interview section where you get to send in questions to our featured artists.

Any suggestions on who we should feature or whether we should feature YOU? Just drop us an email at!

Monday, 28 May 2012

In The Spotlight: Urban Street Team

A big 'Thank You' to everyone who has submitted their questions to Urban Street Team. Here, we present you this much awaited post! Have a look at what Urban Street Team has to say!

Q: Did you guys start off as soccer players or music lovers?
A: Most of us started from football, then slowly music came into the picture.

Q: Can you guys play real soccer?
A: Yes, come and try us :D

Q: How is it similar/ different performing in Singapore compared to overseas?
A: A big difference compared to the European countries, as most of the countries we've been to have a strong love for football. And when we perform, they just go crazy.

Q: Are  your families supportive of what you do?
A: Yes, all of us have much support from our family members. They even try to help us out, giving us fresh ideas.

Q: How often do you guys train/rehearse? Where do you guys train/ rehearse?
A: We meet up about 3-4 times a week, and usually if we can get a studio we will use it. If not we will just use any open space.

Q: Have you guys met with any nasty experiences while performing on the streets?
A: Not nasty, but the worst thing is people walking across our performing area while we are performing

Q: What made yall wanna do this?
A: Because it is interesting, new and has no limits when it comes to creativity.

Q: What inspired you guys to play?
A: Since most of us have football background, we see a lot of nice and fancy tricks around. Thus we wanted to know more about it.

Q: Do you guys have any trainer or do you guys cheorography your own routines?
A: The only reference we have is Youtube, but most of it comes from ourselves.

Thank you, Urban Street Team, for making this entry possible!

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