Welcome to ARTHOLE! Sick and tired of our peers telling us that art is boring and mundane, we are here prove them wrong. At arthole, our aim is to showcase arts by youths, regardless of it being visual arts or performing arts.

We'll be featuring an artist of a different arts genre in every post, comment and tell us how you feel about the youth that we're featuring! Dying to find out more? "In the spotlight" is a interview section where you get to send in questions to our featured artists.

Any suggestions on who we should feature or whether we should feature YOU? Just drop us an email at!

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

In The Spotlight: Tzire

Thanks for submitting your questions to Tzire! Although, we would have loved to forward all of your questions to him, we decided to pick 6 questions, which we thought most interesting from the butch and got Tzire to answer them! We hope his answers would have clarified some of your doubts. Check if your question(s) have been answer below!

Q: What inspire your lyrics?
A: Umm, I do raps on issues I feel strongly about, like the adelyn hosehbo or SMRT incidents. I don’t necessarily have an inspiration all the time. Most of the time, I just write rap when I’m bored, or even when I’m feeling down.

Q: Are they any youtube stars that you look up to? (can be from either the local or international scene)
A: Yeah! George Watsky, Tiffany Alvord, and D-Pryde to name a few. The rapper i look up to most is of course Eminem, i mean, he is the King of Rap after all. And if i one day i could accomplish just 50% of what he has accomplished in his life, i would already be very, very satisfied.

Q: Will you perhaps, do a rap in chinese?
A: Yeah definitely! But i'll leave that for next time. For now, i'm just gonna keep on working on my English rap skills haha. 

Q: What do you think of the Singapore music industry?
A: Honestly, i think it's a really poor industry. Cos there are seriously a lot talented musicians in Singapore, but because they're based here, they don't get the recognition that they deserve and would have gotten had they been in other countries like Australia, or the US. Even the musicians that have made it locally find it really hard to get on to the next level, the international stage, and that's because nobody really takes Singapore's music industry seriously. Of course, this is just my opinion, so it may be false, but from what i see, Singapore's music industry isn't an ideal one for an aspiring musician.

Q: Do you plan to take rapping seriously? Perhaps making it your career in the future?
A:Yup that's what i hope to do. If i could make a career out of music or rapping, it would be a dream come true to me. My life would then be complete. 

Q: As you might have heard Justin Bieber's new number, boyfriend (he actually did a small section of rap). What do you think of it?
A:Well, if i were looking at it from a rapper's point of view, then it's in reality a very lousy rap. You can ask any decent rapper, that small section of rap was nothing much. Probably 90% of rappers in the US could have free-styled that verse. But since that song wasn't a hardcore rap song, and people nowadays are so easily impressed by 1-syllable rhymes, then it actually is quite a good rap. Adding on, Justin Bieber isn't even a rapper, he's a singer, and an awesome singer at that. The fact that he could rap it out so well is already pretty great. Of course, who am i to judge him haha. He's Justin Bieber... The most famous artiste in the world right now...

 Thank you, Tzire, for making this entry possible!

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