Welcome to ARTHOLE! Sick and tired of our peers telling us that art is boring and mundane, we are here prove them wrong. At arthole, our aim is to showcase arts by youths, regardless of it being visual arts or performing arts.

We'll be featuring an artist of a different arts genre in every post, comment and tell us how you feel about the youth that we're featuring! Dying to find out more? "In the spotlight" is a interview section where you get to send in questions to our featured artists.

Any suggestions on who we should feature or whether we should feature YOU? Just drop us an email at!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Armed with just about any camera, one can capture breathtaking, meaningful photos. Charmaine’s passion for photography started during her Primary school days whereby she would snap, snap and snap away on her Canon compact camera. Since then, her passion has grown tremendously throughout the years. 

In the past few years, she has been exploring and learning the ropes about photography. Photography is a hobby that requires a great amount self-discovery. Charmaine has embarked on a journey to search for the genre of photography that suits her best and that would be leaning towards Street Photography. She enjoys capturing people just carrying out their usual daily chores, the magical interpersonal interactions and just the essence of life. 

Here are some of her best photos, enjoy! :) 


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You don't need a professional DSLR to capture beautiful, worthy photos. All you need is passion and interest. 
We hope Charmaine's photos has inspired you to capture beautiful moments! :)

You can check out more of her photos on her Flickr account or her Tumblr!

Written by Tan Yi Ping

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